Recently I followed a lecture series by Futuress. The organizers call themselves Troublemakers. I identify so much with this "geuzennaam" (Dutch for something in between a nickname and a badge of honor). Troublemaking is not the same as "destruction out of boredom" - it means speaking up and calling out injustice, it means calling things by its true name, it means standing up for yourself and others, it means questioning power structures on a personal and institutional level, it means questioning "the way it’s always been done", it means asking the uncomfortable questions.

These days my troublemaking is not always so 'pretty'. It is something that doesn't always have a designed outcome and it is a lot about small gestures and learning and listening. If you want to know where my interests are at the moment, I would advise you to look at my instagram.
During my Bachelor, I did a lot of feminist projects. I would not really do these projects again today, because I am a bit older now and I see there is also much more complexity in the topics I'm passionate about. However! I still look fondly back on these projects and see their value in their time. So this is a little disclaimer to look at the projects below and see them in their time (2010-2014).

Transformed signs with added commentary


Set of stickers

In action

In action

In action
Together with Liesje Lokbi, we initiated 'Project XX' to talk about the small everyday designs that shape the way we look at the world. Why does the bicycle sign, for example, depict a 'man's bike', even though there are much more 'grandma bikes' in the city?
We made a sticker that you can stick on the sign to turn the man's bike into a grandma bike. This was a fun and easy way to start a conversation about feminism with people on the street who were not always aware of the importance of it.
We made a sticker that you can stick on the sign to turn the man's bike into a grandma bike. This was a fun and easy way to start a conversation about feminism with people on the street who were not always aware of the importance of it.

Celebrating periods with cookies and period underwear

Poster with a period poem

Crochet penis with pompoms for balls
During my bachelor studies, I really enjoyed playing with 'taboos'. It seems so long ago, becaues back then a lot of people in my class got really offended by my period celebration and knitted penis. For me these projects were first steps in finding my voice and testing the boundaries. They also always sparked a conversation, which ultimately was always the goal.